Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Welcome to the Chimp Chamber

Ah yes, the Chimp Chamber, a green, eco-friendly place that is manned by chimps, with the occasional baboon. My buddy Mark came up with the name, so credit is due him. This is primarily going to be about reenacting. I am a reenactor, a walt if you will. Walt after Walter Mitty. Walting in its purest form is a fellow playing up a non-existent combat record in your local pub or veterans organization. Such an act is guaranteed to get a few free drinks, a few hearty handshakes and perhaps even female attention. That is until you're found out. You'll get a few medals wrong, maybe a story will seem a little out of place and a real veteran, a guy who's been there, sees you for exactly what you are: a Walter Mitty.

As a reenactor I fully admit to being a walt but a walt with a purpose. I enjoy the education aspect of the hobby a whole lot and this satisfies the serious requirement so I can have fun with my mates and shoot blanks at fat guys dressed as Germans. ARSSE (Army Rumour Service) believes that the farther back you go with reenacting, the less of a Walt. I would like to think I balance out with my French and Indian War reenacting and my British World War II thing.

Until next time, and yes, I will tyr to make it more interesting.