Tuesday, September 15, 2009

From South Dakota

Oh, shit. I'm here. Honest to god, I am here, teaching. When I go through my collection of ties in the morning, I am tying one on to go and fucking teach.That's a brain busting thought the likes of which I would have never of thought. Woah. The pay is OK. The place is nice, so far. Unlike OU I am not in a depressed rage every night, that's a plus you know.
Every place I have moved has a soundtrack. Modest Mouse, The Postal Service and The Russian Futurists are just a few that define Knoxville. MGMT is quickly becoming Rapid City's. I never thought I would say this, but I miss Knoxville. I hated it so awfully much while I was there but now, I sorta miss it. Mainly because so many of my friends are there.
Them I miss pretty bad. I don't like drinking alone, I makes me feel like a creepy boozer who is sooner or later going to make a guest appearance on a Chris Hanson special. On the other hand I rediscovered Counter-Strike and that's fun.
Counter-Strike, where 13 year olds cuss into the mike and pretend to be all tough then ask what alternate words for "vagina" exist. My screen name is "Billy Mays" and nothing is more hilarious than shilling Mighty Mendit while dying every 10 seconds.

Anyway, I'm at my office and trying to work, I suppose I should get back to it.